Hello from my heart, everyone, this is Barbara Wolf.
Global Meditations Network.
Will you join millions who will be thinking Peace at the moment
the New York City Times Square ball is lowered at 12 midnight on New Year’s Eve?
There will be extensive television coverage.
This year, the logo of the peace ball is “Let There Be Peace”.
Everyone is asked to share messages of peace with friends.
A live, New Year’s Eve webcast will share some of these peace messages.
Read here about the peace ball being lowered on New Year’s Eve.
The ball is a geodesic sphere weighing 11,875 pounds, and it is covered with a 2,688
Waterford Crystal triangles that form designs such as
1. a dove with spread wings to symbolize Peace
2. people holding hands around the world to symbolize Let There Be Friendship
3. a pattern of hearts symbolizing Let There Be Love
4. a ribbon design symbolizing Let There Be Courage
5. an angel with arms lifted to symbolize Let There Be Joy at this time of the New Year
6. a radiant sunburst symbolizing Let There Be Light
The ball is illuminated by 32,256 lights of various colors capable of creating more than
16 million color variations and billions of patterns.
I cannot verify this - but - last night on television, we were told that 2 billion people
may be aware of the lowering of the Let There Be Peace ball at Time Square, New York
City, at midnight on New Year’s Eve.
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ will help set your clock.
If you will miss the moment, set your mind (energy) at joining the millions/billions
and you will be with them.
Peace, Love, and Light,
Barbara Wolf