




August 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus

Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s August 2, 2012 full moon synchronized Care Focus (Aug. 2 at 3:27 a.m. GMT/UTC is Aug.1 at 8.27 p.m. PDT USA). Thank you for being with us. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html– is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.)

Care Focus #1: Sending Compassion unencumbered by Fear or Drama

As the Shift gains momentum, it’s understandable for the planet to be going through accelerating transitional stressors. Extreme weather and severe drought, the mass shooting in Denver, and the Syrian government threatening to use chemical and biological weapons on external forces, are some of the current challenging situations. As we send compassion, let’s remember it’s important to keep it unencumbered by fear and drama. Compassion helps to increase coherence and can lessen the impact of the global stressors endured during this shifting momentum.


Practicing kindness, peace and leading with the heart are indirect, yet effective ways to help lessen planetary stressors that we may feel helpless at times to affect. As the Shift energies accelerate through the rest of the year, patience and tolerance will be challenged. We can reduce our vulnerability to these challenges by learning to move with inner-ease and being mindful in our interactions. Practice saying NO to fear-based drama, and use the restorative power of self-compassion, which is an effective self-maintenance tool and appropriate for these transitional times.


For this full moon Care Focus, let’s breathe love and compassion into the planetary field environment, seeing our collective heart energy easing the current stressors and softening the impact on the people involved. Let’s radiate compassion and hold all people experiencing suffering in our collective heart. Hold the vision of the consciousness shift unfolding more peace and harmony among people and with planet Earth.

Care Focus #2: Olympic Games

Patricia Cota-Robles of The Era of Peace, beautifully stated that: “The only positive event that has the potential of drawing the global focus of Humanity’s attention in the numbers necessary to transmute the amount of negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world is the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are truly a global event, and they draw the attention of an estimated 4,500,000,000 people during the 17-days of competition. The Olympic Games signify the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences so we can come together to attain our highest level of excellence.”


Let’s envision all the participants and all viewers, remote or on site, connected in the heart and creating an energy-field environment that positively benefits all of humanity, Earth and its inhabitants. You can also visualize an energetic dome of light over the Olympics and fill it with warmth and love from your heart. We will be working in concert with groups and individuals who will be doing this, or something similar, from all around the world.


You can continue to do these Care Focuses in the Global Care Room after the full moon period, holding the vision of humanity moving into new consciousness. It’s helpful to realize and accept that some of the positive changes we envision for the planetary whole can only move at a certain pace until more of the old, non-effective structures are dismantled and replaced. While seemingly slow at times, this process is actually moving quicker than ever and will transition into the highest, best outcome for humanity and planet Earth. Our individual contribution to the Shift increases in effectiveness as we become more responsible for our own energy and support each other through the ongoing changes with continuous love and light.


Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.


The GCI Staff

* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from www.globalcarerooms.org. First time users will need to sign up for access. You can use the e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password.


For those of you who are new participants in the synchronized Care Focus, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.



(c) The Connecting Project 2011











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