




 Humanity’s Team's "Inner Journey" Presents:

“Love’s Power is SO Great!” - Global Satsang with Anakha Coman and James Twyman

August 2, 2012, 8:30am PST/9:30am MST/11:30am EST

Please register for the call NOW...click here.

Many a song has been written about love – “what’s love got to do with it,” “love can build a bridge,” and “let your love shine,” – but what is the true nature of Love and what are her mysterious ways?  Join host and Worldwide Coordinating Director of Humanity's Team, Steve Farrell with Anakha Coman and James Twyman, for an electric sharing of love as you join with your brothers and sisters around the world to ignite the sacred flame of Love and Truth in your own heart, body, mind and soul.  Discover the radiance within you that can unite opposites, reverse the paradox and bring forth a hidden wholeness in every area of life.

On August 2nd our global community will come together in the company of the highest Truth (satsang) to know and love our Divine Selves and to celebrate the great and eternal existence and essence of Love!

Please register for the call NOW...click here.


Joining with the Sacred Intent

Moment of Consecrated Silence

Teaching from Anakha and James

Guided Meditation

Inquiry from Participants

Closing Prayer

Blessed is he/she who existed before coming into being.

Yeshua in the Gospel of Thomas, Saying 19

You are more precious than both Heaven and Earth

What can I say more?

You know now your own worth.

Sell not yourself a little price

Being so precious in God’s eyes.





About the Monthly Global Satsang Series

The Clarion Call

In this precious moment of our planetary awakening and evolutionary shift we are piercing our individual and collective armor, releasing false identities and strategies built on separation and revealing our natural state of being.  This is a movement authored by grace and fueled by our willingness to surrender to our true nature. It is a celebration of our greatest contribution to humanity – our very own awakening.  Our greatest contribution is to literally leave the state of consciousness that the mass of humanity is in and discover the truth of our being, which is the truth of all beings. We come to realize that the greatest gift we can give is to heal the illusory divisions within ourselves.  And, from this awakened place we are truly available to serve and make an essential contribution to the greater consciousness of humanity. This is the invitation now and always – to surrender wholeheartedly to our own awakening and to a true transformation that comes from the inside. And then we humbly come to see that the outside world is nothing but an expression of the inside.

The Invitation

To gather as a global community of evolutionary leaders stewarding the emergence of a new humanity and attending to both our personal and collective awakening as essential service and our greatest gift to humanity.

Click here to get involved. We have volunteer opportunities for you!

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Please sign the Declaration of Oneness. Go to this site and sign.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has~Margaret Mead



(c) The Connecting Project 2011











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