




Global Meditation

We would like to invite you two different no cost events.

The first is with our friend Anakha Coman.

Anakha Coman Leads Global Satsang Meditation

Mark your calendar:  Thursday, May 3, 2012 9:30AM Mountain/11:30 Eastern

In this precious moment of our planetary awakening and evolutionary shift we are piercing our individual and collective armor, releasing false identities and strategies built on separation and revealing our natural state of being.  This is a movement authored by grace and fueled by our willingness to surrender to our true nature. It is a celebration of our greatest contribution to humanity – our very own awakening.  Our greatest contribution is to literally leave the state of consciousness that the mass of humanity is in and discover the truth of our being, which is the truth of all beings. We come to realize that the greatest gift we can give is to heal the illusory divisions within ourselves.  And, from this awakened place we are truly available to serve and make an essential contribution to the greater consciousness of humanity. This is the invitation now and always – to surrender wholeheartedly to our own awakening and to a true transformation that comes from the inside. And then we humbly come to see that the outside world is nothing but an expression of the inside.

Join with Humanity’s Team and Anakha Coman, personal and planetary awakener and co-author of The Proof:  A 40-Day Program for Embodying Oneness, for a global satsang and meditation to catalyze and support your own awakening and essential contribution to humanity. There will be space created for you to share your questions and reflections about your own awakening and the blessings and challenges that accompany it.

“None of us knows the type of world that would arise if all of humanity were to enter a state of undivided consciousness.  We may imagine such a world, but in truth we all must admit that that world is unknown.  There can be no image created about the world.  We will all find out what that world may be as it comes into fruition.” Adyashanti, The End of Your World. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012 9:30AM Mountain/11:30 Eastern
Click on this link to see the time in your area: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Here's the link to listen via the Internet:
no password needed

To listen in over the phone:
Dial in number: (303) 390-0043
Guest pin code: 162849#


Humanity's Team is a nonprofit, global grassroots spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and implement the belief that we are all one, one with God and one with life, in a shared global state of being, so that the behavior of humanity may shift to reflect this understanding.



(c) The Connecting Project 2011











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