




Global Coherence Initiative

Feeding the Field on Earth Day


What triggered the modern movement to protect the environment?


Was it: The first major recycling center started in 1897? Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring published in 1962? Or, a combination of factors? One event, however, indisputably set the environmental movement into global motion – Earth Day.


Earth Day, first observed on March 21, 1970 by 20 million people, is a huge international event that organizers expect more than 1 billion people to celebrate on April 22, 2012.


One Voice on Earth


When people of virtually every nation on the planet participate in this year’s Earth Day events, they will set aside their divergent and at times conflicting personal, political and spiritual beliefs. Their voices will become one in wanting an end to the waste and pollution threatening the Earth’s life, land, sea and air.


The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) community will join this call to preserve our planet, but we are also seeking to raise global awareness about the field of negative mental and emotional pollution surrounding our planet.


We can’t yet measure precisely how damaging the negative energy encircling the globe is, but scientists at the Institute of HeartMath (IHM), GCI and elsewhere believe it is harming Earth. IHM has compiled scientific evidence showing that negative emotions directly affect our mental, emotional and physical health and well-being, and also feed the planetary energetic fields with negative energy.


Thousands of participants in HeartMath studies have improved their lives by generating positive energy using science-based methods to replace negative emotions such as anger, hopelessness and fear with positive ones such as compassion, caring and courage.





What Are You Feeding the Field?


This Earth Day, we all can pause to assess what emotions we are contributing to the environment, what we are feeding the field. This goes beyond conserving and respecting Earth’s resources.


Personal experience tells us when we are angry, inhospitable and uncaring, we affect not only ourselves, but also those around us. Consider how one unkind, thoughtless or angry person affects a roomful of people; the feeling of negative energy and discomfort is palpable. Conversely, we ’ve all felt the change in a room upon the entrance of a vibrant, cheerful and positive person.


There is more to this phenomenon than the feeling you get. HeartMath researchers repeatedly have identified mental and physical changes that study participants undergo as they experience positive and negative emotions. HeartMath’s research and other research have shown that focusing on core heart-felt emotions can enhance one’s connection with others, and that this connection extends far beyond the individual. The research article Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social, and Global Health concludes that being responsible for our emotional energy and increasing our compassion, care and other positive feelings are not only reflected in improved personal health and happiness, but also feed into and are reflected in the global field environment.


So this Earth Day and each day, let’s increase our responsibility for the environment by each one of us asking, “What am I feeding the field today?”


Global Coherence


Years of researching the transformative power of positive emotions led IHM several years ago to conceive the possibility that personal coherence and positive energy on a grand scale could have a global impact and begin to heal the planet. IHM/GCI leaders and researchers asked a question:


’What if people around the world intentionally experienced sincere love, care, compassion and other positive emotions simultaneously and fed this positive energy into the global field environment?’


This question led to an experiment, and after nearly five years, more than 40,000 members of the resulting Global Coherence Initiative, with members in 87 countries, regularly feed positive energy and heart-focused care and intention into the planetary field environment.


Collectively, we create a field that interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field and energetic systems. As people intentionally send coherent love and care to the world, a more powerful heart-filled environment is created. This helps to build a reservoir of positive energy that benefits the planet. This reservoir can then be utilized to help bring balance and stabilization to people, thereby making it easier to find solutions to problems like climate change, the destruction of the rain forests and other global issues.


GCI scientists are establishing a worldwide network of sensing stations, the Global Coherence Monitoring System, to measure fluctuations in the Earth ’s geomagnetic fields. These stations have many tasks, including: detecting how planetary events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are reflected in and predicted by patterns of activity in the Earth’s magnetic field; and examining how collective human emotional resonance in response to mass events of emotional significance is reflected in the Earth’s magnetic field. Learn more about the Global Coherence Monitoring System.


How Can You Feed the Field?


The Global Coherence Initiative is calling on their worldwide membership and supporters on Earth Day to show their commitment to care for our planet.


Please send your heart-focused care and feed positive energy into the field environment. Regardless of your personal, political and spiritual beliefs, raise your voice in thankfulness and committed care for Earth.


There are countless ways to do this. Here are some:


Do the Heart Coherence or whatever method or practice you choose, for five to 10 minutes on Earth Day to send the Earth appreciation, care and a sincere commitment to planetary healing.

Spend five minutes with at least another person, your family, or a group of friends or colleagues envisioning Earth and its inhabitants in harmony. Some people may wish to continue this for a few days before and after Earth Day.

Join others and spend some time on Earth Day in the Global Coherence Initiative’s Global Care Rooms, where people send collective care.

“One of the things I like to do is ask myself at the end of the day: What did I feed the field today?, says Dr. Rollin McCraty, IHM’s director of research and GCMS project coordinator. “How much of my day was spent being kind to the people I interacted with, being compassionate and caring, versus how much of my day was wrapped up in my to-do list or feeling irritated that things weren’t moving fast enough and so on? Because it all counts, it is important at the end of the day to assess what we fed the field.”


It is a very heartening momentum as we come together on Earth Day to make a difference in our world.


For a better understanding of how we affect the world around us, read one of IHM ’s most popular article: Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment.


With care,

GCI Staff




(c) The Connecting Project 2011











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