




Interactive Online Meditation Sessions for North and South America are held every Sunday at the following time.

Eastern:  8PM STD * 9PM DST
Central:  7PM STD * 8PM DST
Mountain:  6PM STD * 7PM DST
Pacific:  5PM STD * 6PM DST
Hawaii:  3PM STD

You can watch live at Inner Peace TV or you can participate in our online conference room.  Here are instructions on how to login:

1. Go to 

2. We would like to know how many people are joining the Online Meditation Session and where you are from so fill in “Your Name” as the following code: 
Country-Name-Number of people at your connection-City
(For Example: USA-John-1-Los Angeles)


3. Fill in “Room Password” as:  innerpeace072

The meeting room is called “Inner Peace Channel 1”.

Alternate days and times are also available. Please use the "Time Zone Converter" to find out the exact day and time at your location.  The times below are Bangkok, Thailand time.

Day and Broadcast Time in Bangkok, Thailand.


Monday:  08:00 -10:00
Friday:  19:00 - 21:00
Saturday:  19:00 - 21:00
Saturday:  21:00 - 23:00

You can print out an interactive online meditation brochure HERE.

Please join us in our interactive online meditation sessions!




(c) The Connecting Project 2011











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