




GCI April 2012 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s April 6, 2012 full moon (10:50 UT) synchronized Care Focus. Thank you for being with us. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.* (The following website – www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.) Thank you for being with us. 

Over the past several months, there have been ongoing news reports about children and adults who are bought and sold into slavery throughout the world. The energies of the Shift along with the media and internet are increasingly bringing issues to light that have long been hidden from the public view, like human trafficking. For this full moon synchronized Care Focus, let ’s send our collective care and compassion to the children and adults who have been sold into slavery. Compassion is one of the highest frequencies we can radiate, as it helps to hold a heart space for others through their challenges. 

We ’ll do this April full moon synchronized Care Focus together for fifteen minutes. It’s fine to stop sooner or continue longer if you choose. There will be music playing, or you can mute the music if you prefer.
Care Focus: Eradicating Slavery and Oppression
Start by quietly breathing through your heart area, and then visualize aligning with your soul energy. This raises your vibration, which increases the strength and effectiveness of your heartfelt intention... 

Now radiate sincere compassion and care to children and adults who have been or still are entrapped in slavery or oppression. Visualize increased freedom for all involved and radiate a compassionate, heartfelt desire for these violations of human dignity to soon be a thing of the past. Through our heart-infused visualization and imagination, we collectively can create a better world... 

Now send the collective compassion to other issues and planetary pain points as your heart intuition guides you. Envision compassion becoming a new baseline frequency for the planetary transition taking place. 

(Our care is much more effective when we are not attached to the time it takes for positive change to unfold.) 

After 15 minutes 

You can continue to do this Care Focus in the Global Care Room after the full moon period, holding the intention that compassion be instated as a new baseline frequency in the global field environment. 

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus. 

The GCI Staff
For those of you who are new participants in the synchronized Care Focus, if you are logged into the Global Care Room, you can see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together. 

* To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly fromwww.globalcarerooms.org. First time users will need to sign up for access. You can use the e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password. 

Global Coherence Initiative – 14700 West Park Ave – Boulder Creek, California 95006 – 831-338-8500 

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(c) The Connecting Project 2011











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