




World Shift Day MAY 22, 2011

mt. fuji

A Call to unite our hearts as one in 
prayer and meditation

 for timely transformations. 

The kick off event for World Shift Day will be
The Symphony of Peace Prayers event taking place at the 
Mt. Fuji Sanctuary in Japan.
May 22nd, 10:00am – 1:00 pm Japan Time
Click here for Time Conversion

“We need to evolve our consciousness. This is possible, for human consciousness is not a permanent fixture: cultural anthropology testifies that it developed gradually in the course of millennia. In the thirty or fifty thousand year history of Homo sapiens the human body did not change significantly, but human consciousness did”
Dr. Ervin Laszlow,
Creative Director
Global Peace Meditation and Prayer Day
Read more

Join us wherever you may be!

Global Link Time Options

To simultaneously link with the 
Mt. Fuji Sanctuary kick off event
Please click here for equivalent time in your time zone

The suggested starting times for Meditation and 
Prayer are as follows:

 Europe/Africa/Middle East/Central Asia

GMT+1: 6 PM (United Kingdom, Cameroon etc.)
GMT+2: 7 PM (Italy, Germany, Hungary, South Africa etc.)
GMT+3: 8 PM (Israel, Greece etc)

North, Central and South America / Pacific

GMT-11: 8 AM (Samoa etc.)
GMT-10: 9 AM (Hawaii/USA etc.)
GMT-7: 12 Noon (Los Angeles /USA, Vancouver/Canada etc)
GMT-5: 2 PM (Mexico, Colombia, Chicago/USA etc.)
GMT-4: 3 PM (New York/USA, Toronto/Canada, Chile, Venezuela etc.)
GMT-3: 4 PM (Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil etc.) 

East Asia / Australia

GMT+8: 10 AM (Western Australia etc.)
GMT+ 9: 11 AM (Japan etc)
GMT+ 10:  12 Noon (Sydney etc)

World Shift Day will launch a 24 hour meditation and prayer marathon to encircle 
the globe starting with the Mt. Fuji event where over ten thousand people will gather 
in a ceremony for peace and the awakening of all humanity.

Link simultaneously with Mt. Fuji to launch World Shift Day 
or organize a meditation and prayer event to amplify the energies throughout the day.

Mt. Fuji

Participate as an individual, group or organization to Collectively generate a worldwide 
energy field of Pure Conscious Thought To Urge the World to Shift.

  1. Organize an event wherever you may be
  2. Participate as an individual
  3. Observe a minute of Silence at Noon
  4. Perform a World Peace Prayer Ceremony
  5. Plant a Peace Pole
  6. Close your event or gathering by holding hands in a Circle to amplify the energies and visualize reaching Critical Mass!
  7. Be Infinitely Creative!

Register so we can include you in the 
World Shift Day Circle of Friends



(c) The Connecting Project 2011











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